| Russ standing, brrrr... Spring, 1994? |
| Robert with Russ eating rocks at the summit |
| Robert, Jim and Nate starting out. June, 1997. |
| Robert, Nate, Jeff and Jim on the way down. |
| Nate enjoying the sunrise on Green Butte. Fall, 1997? |
| Lun nearing the top of Misery Hill. Fall, 1998? |
| Sunrise on Hotlum-Bolam route. June, 1999. |
| Nate and Fred reach the rocks. |
| Fred resting in the early morning sun. |
| Nate standing. |
| Gets a bit steep this way. |
| Flag with some ice on it. |
| Ted, Lisa, Jeff, Kate, Robert (the pinhead) and Steve on the summit. Fall 1999. |
| Front: Kate, Jeff. Back: Lisa, Ted, Steve, Scott at the Red Banks on the way down. |